Stock details page contains essential information about the stocks current prediction strength, past and current price, volume, multiple parameters. There is an interactive chart on which you can examine how this stock is currently viewed by our AI in terms of segmentation and current linear regression. However there are 50+ indicators our AI extracts from the current and historical price as well, but the main human readable components are displayed here.

Prediction History
All eligible stocks are processed and predicted for a specific prediction. Tickbooster main, publicly available prediction is 1% rise at least twice within the next 10 trading days. Regarding that the prediction history is displayed so you can evaluate that on which day what Tickbooster AI predicted for the stock. If the prediction was at least 10 trading days earlier, the prediction is considered completed, thus we can validate if the outcime was in line with the prediction or not. This is the basis of the evaluation of the accuracy of the prediction.
Base Date
The date when the prediction was made
Target Date
The date at the prediction success must be evaluated
In case multiple models are used for the given stock (for enterprise clients) this column indicates the model the prediction was based on
Simple indicator to display whether the prediction is completed or still running hence not eligible to decide the success or failure of the prediction
Days Run
Since our prediction evaluation can contain a TAKE PROFIT before the prediction completes, many of our prediction stops before it reaches the target date. For example, let’s say we have a stock purchase at 100 and a TAKE PROFIT set for 101 because of the expectation that it will rise 1% within the next 10 trading days. The stock starts rising at the 3rd day and our TAKE PROFIT LMT ORDER fills before the prediction distance reaches the targed date, so our days run value will be 3.
If the backtest simulation was stopped due to any reason (some models enable TAKE PROFIT, STOP LOSS and other extrinsic reasons) it is indicated here
Purchase/Sell/Yield/Yield yearly
Ordinary indicators of the transactions and the transaction results. Note that the yield for non-completed predictions are based on the last available EOD price. In case of completed predictions the yield is calculated based on the sell price at that given past EOD price.
Prediction probability icon for that date; If there is an upwards arrow it means the system expects the prediction signal to be fullfilled. It’s not neccessarily an increase but a positive expectation for yield based on the given model in that row.
Pred. proba
Prediction probability for that date
Determines whether a completed prediction was successful or not. N/A means the prediction is still running, even if there was a premature STOP or TAKE PROFIT event;
Prediction Signal Performance Backtest
For every stock prediction Tickbooster calculates aggregates for accuracy. Read more about performance backtest here.